Monday, May 18, 2009

This is a picture of my siblings, my cousins, and me.

This is The Hush Sound, my favorite band.
I honestly believe myself to be mostly a Transcendant Hero, because I do have one fatal flaw that just might bring myself to downfall. I'm awfully lazy and I would do anything just to get out of doing any work. Whenever there's a big project, I put off until the very last minute and my projects always comes out not as good as I want it to be. I have realized, or "gained some wisdom," though my laziness. I've learned that one must overcome laziness to be successful in life and in order to overcome laziness, you have to be willing to work hard. So honestly, hope isn't lost for me yet. Once I overcome this laziness, who knows, maybe I'll become "The Superheroic." Until then, I'll just work harder on finishing this project.
Sometimes, to become successful in life, you have to know who you truly are. Well, my quest is to figure who I truly am, my identity. Normally, you know exactly who you are, because it's yourself and no one knows you better than yourself. Only, I'm not quite sure who I am or what I will be. My main question is, "Who am I?" My quest is to find the answer. Am I just some random teenager trying to get by in life, or am I more than that? I don't know what to be when I grow up. I don't know what college I should go to. Most people know this stuff by high school but not me. I want to know my purpose in life. Of course, I'm not going to lie. I don't know how it'll contribute to others, but it will definitely contribute to myself. Once I figure out who I am, I can be the best me that I can be. One of the main things I believe is: before you can help others, you have to help yourself. So in helping myself, I can most likely in the future help others search for their identity too.
I had a tough time deciding who my Threshold Guardian is. Then I realized, it doesn't have to be a "who." It can be a "what." My Threshold Guardian is going to a new school when I last moved. I guess my Threshold Guardian can be a "who," like the students, but it's more of the idea of going to a new school, rather than the students themselves. Nothing is more tougher than going to a new school. I've had plenty of experience with attending a new school, but it never gets easier. There are plenty of things that are scary about going to a new school. A few examples are learning how to get around and getting to know new people. What I think is the worst, though, is having no one to sit next to at lunch because everyone already knows each other and you don't know anyone. It's terrifying and embarrassing to have to sit by yourself. Once you make friends though, a new school isn't so bad. Candice Allen was one of the first people I made friends with. She was nice enough to let the new girl be her friend. If it hadn't been for her, I wouldn't have anyone to sit next to for lunch or anyone to hang out with. Candice is still my friend today, but truly, she is one of the most wonderful, amazing friends I have. I'm glad I met her and being in a new school wasn't scary anymore, because Candice made it easier and happier. Now that I look back on it, a new school isn't so bad. With friends, like Candice, and a positive attitude, a new school can probably be one of your greatest experiences you'll ever have.
Batman has the Joker. Spiderman has the Green Goblin. My shadow is my laptop. I'm usually on my laptop all the time. Before school, after school, at night, I'm always on my laptop. Usually, I'm on Myspace, Facebook, or Meebo, talking to my friends. Sometimes, I'm on Youtube watching videos and sometime, I'm just on iTunes listening to music while I'm surfing the web. My laptop is always distracting me from doing my homework or my chores at home. When I should be doing my Math homework, I'm on Myspace telling everyone that I should be doing my homework. It's hard not going for a whole day without my laptop. Everytime I see my laptop, I just have to turn it on. Luckily, this project involves using a computer, going online, and typing stuff, so I will definitely not be distracted from doing this. My laptop may be my most prized possession, but it's a huge distraction from what I should be doing, like homework or projects.
I'd like to say that I'm pretty special. I represent a whole nation and culture. There aren't a lot of asians at the high school I go to, so it makes me feel special that I am asian. Most people, of course, don't know the type of asian that I am. I'm Filipino. My parents were born in the Phillipines and came to the United States after I was born. Most people don't really know what or where the Phillipines is. Well, it's a big island, made up of even smaller islands, on the Pacific Ocean. I've been to the Phillipines several times and it is a beautiful country, with an even more beautiful culture. Being asian is pretty awesome, because most people think asians are super smart. That's not always true, but I think it's true for me. I take pride in being asian and a Filipino. It makes me unique and different from anyone else.