My name is Maelene Tacata. I'm fourteen and a freshman in high school. I was born in Missisauga, Canada. Currently, I live in Texas. My family moved a lot. I've lived in about six different cities, two different countries, and two different states. So far, I think I've been to about eight different schools, or was it nine? I kind of lost count after high school. My parents promised me that we're staying in Texas for a while, so I'm not too worried about moving in a long time. Although, if I could move again, I'd move to Rockwall, where my cousins live.
I have a mom, a dad, an older brother, and a younger sister, but honestly, my family really isn't that interesting. I'm really close to my cousins that live in Rockwall, though. There are three of them, and they're all guys. Vince, the oldest, is in college right now. Vince and I were never that close, but I admire him for his amazing art talent. Allen, the second oldest, is my favorite cousin, because I can relate to him more. He's really musical and plays three different instrument, the saxophone, violin, and piano. Evan, the youngest, is the closest to my age, being only a year younger than me. He plays the guitar and he's a pretty good singer. He's really funny and an outgoing person, but then again, all my cousins are.
This is a picture of my siblings, my cousins, and me.
Music is a main thing in my life. I love all types of music, especially alternative rock. My favorite bands are The Hush Sound, Paramore, This Providence, and Jack's Mannequin. I play the flute in band and I'm also in colorguard, the "flag-twirlers" who march with the band on the football field. Colorguard was half my life until marching season was over. Now, the new freshmans for next year are trying out for Colorguard and I'm excited for marching season to come again. I love singing, but only when I'm alone. My friends tell me I sing to myself a lot, but I never notice it. I use to be in ballet for about three to four years, but I quit as soon as I moved to another city. After that, I took up Tae Kwon Do; it's a martial arts that specializes with the feet.

This is The Hush Sound, my favorite band.

I honestly believe myself to be mostly a Transcendant Hero, because I do have one fatal flaw that just might bring myself to downfall. I'm awfully lazy and I would do anything just to get out of doing any work. Whenever there's a big project, I put off until the very last minute and my projects always comes out not as good as I want it to be. I have realized, or "gained some wisdom," though my laziness. I've learned that one must overcome laziness to be successful in life and in order to overcome laziness, you have to be willing to work hard. So honestly, hope isn't lost for me yet. Once I overcome this laziness, who knows, maybe I'll become "The Superheroic." Until then, I'll just work harder on finishing this project.